Example Scripts

Here are some small examples using the package directly to achieve some common tasks.

If you have installed the package, you can run them directly. Otherwise please cd to the code directory and run:

python -m examples.xxxx [-a args]


This script backups the followers, followees, following questions, following topics, following columns, following favorite lists, questions, answers, pins, articles, columns, favorite lists, and activities in json format.

It also saves the plain html page of all answers, question and articles. However, pictures are not downloaded.

The program takes the following parameters:

machine_backup [-c cookie_file_path] [-u single or multiple url_tokens] [-p save_path]


This script clones the following question, following topics and following people of an old account (usually terminated) to the current account.

The program takes the following parameters:

machine_renewal [-c cookie_file_path] [-u old_account_url_token]


This script checks the status of an account. It can handle common status like 停用, 禁言, 限制, and 重置.

The program takes the following parameters:

machine_status [-c cookie_file_path] [-u url_token_to_query]


This script sends message: “RIP” to all followers whose accounts are disabled and reseted(special English translation of [已重置] created by Zhihu).

The program takes the following parameters:

mourn_machines [-c cookie_file_path]